
  • Extinction Claims 

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    Posted: 15 October 2021

    Exhibition by Paolo Cirio

    Co-production between Baltan Laboratories and Mediamatic

    In this project, Paolo Cirio combines the legal concept of “environmental personhood” with the “right of nature” jurisprudential theory, informed by climate change litigations, ecocide bills, and global climate treaties to give legal rights and protection to the natural world. Cirio aims to legally accuse the international oil, gas, and carbon companies that deliberately emitted over 70% of all greenhouse gases, causing extensive damage to Earth’s ecosystems and the species dependent on them for survival, all with the intention of covering up their crimes for decades.

    This project issues requests to these firms for a financial reparation which is calculated by Cirio’s algorithm that integrates the economic concept of the “existence value” via contingent valuation combined with data on emissions from studies of “attribution science”.

    The financial reparations are designated to fund the preservation of endangered species whose natural environments are threatened by the climate crisis, while seeking legal accountability for the extermination and enormous damages done to these living beings.

    Central to this project is the so-called “attribution science”, or the “effort to scientifically ascertain mechanisms responsible for recent global warming and related climate changes on Earth.” In order to determine who is primarily accountable for the climate crises, related data from major oil, gas, and carbon companies is found in the pivotal datasets of the Carbon Majors. These datasets are combined with aggregated data on mass extinctions from IUCN Red List to calculate how the natural world is economically and legally entitled to reparation from the companies that are knowingly causing the annihilation of species and ecosystems.

    Our planet now faces a global extinction crisis never witnessed by humankind. Scientists predict that more than 1 million species are on track for extinction in the upcoming decades. One of the main challenges in tackling mass extinction is the lack of public awareness and citizen agency. Most efforts in documenting the populations of different species are conducted by scientific organizations, while citizens remain ill-informed and widely unengaged, despite the urgency that is necessary to begin addressing the climate crisis and the following mass extinction.

    This project also attempts to make these scientific issues more accessible to the general public to encourage greater participation and public discourse on these topics that are generally reserved for the scientific community. The data regarding compensation for individual endangered species is formatted for the online platform with images of species with appealing design. Additionally, this material is presented as street art campaigns, installations in art institutions, and as featured articles for various press outlets. By integrating science, big data, design and art making, Extinction Claims directly engages the general public in understanding the scale and scope of the extinction crisis our planet faces. This project will eventually be the node for larger campaigns coordinated with environmental activists and organizations to continue action in the following years, possibly culminating with actualized legal disputes against the Carbon Majors.

    The Extinction Claims project and campaign is launched around the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26. It is scheduled to take place in Glasgow, Scotland from 1 to 12 November 2021. The project will also be inline with the largest UN Convention on Biological Diversity, in May 2022 in Kunming, China.

    Data about fossil fuel emissions and its related economics about compensations by Cirio were researched in collaboration with Marco Grasso, currently Associate Professor in Political Geography and Economics at the University Milano-Bicocca and author of “From Big Oil to Big Green”, MIT Press. The aggregation of data was commissioned by Cirio to Pierre Massat and Lucie Schmaltz. Pierre is an economist who specializes in data-visualization and web development. Lucie has a PhD in Ecology and has worked for several years as a researcher in Conservation Biology. Extinction Claims is a co-production between Baltan Laboratories in Eindhoven and MediaMatic in Amsterdam.

    About Paolo Cirio
    Paolo Cirio works with legal, economic, and cultural systems of the information society. He shows his research and intervention-based works through artifacts, photos, installations, videos, and public art.


    test lexicon


    Economia is the festival of

    Visit the exhibition by Paolo Cirio during Dutch Design Week 2021

    When: October 16th - November 30th
    Where: At Natlab in Eindhoven

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