Global 3rd Annual Art and Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

  • Global 3rd Annual Art and Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon 

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    Join the global movement!

    The Eindhoven Node

    Join us in Eindhoven, New York's Museum of Modern Art, and others worldwide, for the third annual Wikipedia Edit-a-thon: Art + Feminism, an all-day communal updating of Wikipedia entries on subjects related to art and feminism.

    We will provide tutorials for beginner Wikipedians, reference materials and refreshments. Bring your laptop, power cord, and ideas for entries that need updating or creation. We invite people of all gender identifications and expressions to attend. Concerned about writing in English? No problem, we'll help you write in English and/or proofread your text! For the editing-averse, we urge you to stop by to show your support.

    The 2016 Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon is organized by Art+Feminism, led by Siân Evans of Art Libraries Society of North America’s Women and Art Special Interest Group, Jacqueline Mabey of failed projects, and Michael Mandiberg, in collaboration with the Professional Organization for Women in the Arts (POWarts) and The Museum of Modern Art, and with support from Wikimedia NYC.

    Admission is free.

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