Hack the Body Odor Workshop

  • Hack the Body Odor Workshop 

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    What can the sense of scent teach us?

    Experience the distillation process

    The sense of smell is very powerful. Babies are able to recognize their mother by the smell of the nipple, and we are able to smell fear and dislike in others.

    As part of the Hack the Body program we are hosting a workshop around scent and smell by olfactory artist Klara Ravat on November 25th.

    The workshop focusses on our sense of smell; a crucial function of the human body. It warns us for potential dangers in our direct environment and has a crucial role in our experience of space and our relation to others. Smell affects human behaviour, perception of time, memories, emotions and influences decision making. There are many possibilities to use smell as a powerful medium and tool in art, design and science.

    In this workshop, participants will get an introduction about smell and will learn how to obtain an extract from their own body odor.

    We will use small cuts of worn t-shirts from each participant as source material for distilling scents through steam distillation. During the process participants will learn about the existing types of distillation and how to build a DIY-distiller at home. Afterwards, participants will be able to take home a sample of the distilled compound.

    About the artist
    Klara Ravat is an olfactory artist and experimental filmmaker based in Berlin. After
    studying qualitative trend research in Barcelona she moved to The Netherlands, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts (ArtScience at The Royal Academy of Arts). She also studied Psychology at the Open University of Catalonia. Ravat is the organizer of the Smell Lab, a community project for investigation and practice focused on the art and science of the sense of smell in the art space Spektrum in Berlin. Klara's training as an olfactory artist combined with her background in qualitative trend research and psychology provides her with a multidisciplinary viewpoint which enables her to reach a deeper understanding of the processes behind the human senses.

    Hack the Body Odor Workshop with Klara Ravat
    Friday 25 Nov., 13:00 - 18:00
    Ticket: €33,00 (regular) / €23,00 (student) - SOLD OUT!

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