With Caroline Hummels, Reon Brand, Dick Rijken, Pierre Levy.

  • The Guerrilla Research Adventure during STRP conference 

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    STRP and Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Creative Economy present New Scenarios for the Future, a Conference & Dialogue program on 3 and 4 April as a part of STRP Festival (30 March to 7 April, Klokgebouw - Eindhoven). Scientists, artists, critics, writers and thinkers share new inspiration, new images and new ideals that are desperately needed to build a hopeful future. New Scenarios for the Future is a lively program with keynotes, panels, performances, encounters with artists and tours through the STRP exhibition.

    A group of people active in art, design, research and strategy team up for a joint research adventure to explore new insights and perspectives for transformational change. By involving a collection of playful methods and tools their aim is to open up our perspectives and to rethink existing values and beliefs in a society of change.

    The Guerrilla Research Adventure is an experiment to increase our understanding of transformational change by embodying a first, second- and third-person perspective. In this experiment we want to untangle the underlying emotions often implicitly involved in collaborative structures and transformation processes, such as empathy and trust. How to catalyse our actions by embodying alternate perspectives in a playful way?

    Expect a full day of micro-interventions, hacks and pop up, for (un)learning and provoking new ideas and ways of embodying “Change”. The conference as a place for exchanging ideas and inspiration amongst peers, is the setting to challenge anyone to unconference the body and the mind, to start exploring the senses. Wild and unknown.

    We welcome everyone with an open, curious mind to join. Are you willing to embrace the idea of transformation and gamification through embodied perspectives and design interventions? Your guides welcome you to give you the best possible experience during the Guerrilla Research Adventure on April 4th. Your guides for the day are experts in the field, all coming from a background in academia, industry, art and design. Caroline Hummels, Professor in Design and Theory for Transformative Qualities at TU/e; Reon Brand, Senior Director Foresight and Socio-cultural trends at Philips Design; Dick Rijken, director of STEIM and Lector University of Applied sciences Den Haag; Pierre Levy, assistant Professor of Everyday Transformation, TU/e; Olga Mink, research leader Fontys University of Applied Sciences & director of Baltan Laboratories.

    The Guerrilla Research Adventure is part of the Creative Economy and the research track Design for Transformative Practices at Fontys. This research track aims to support and promote new ways of working and thinking by collectively exploring the role of art and design in light of new paradigm shifts. By exploring how art and design practices can enable socially, environmentally and economically sustainable communities, the notion of systemic transformation for the 21st century is forged.

    Full program and ticket sales: www.strp.nl
    More info on The Guerrilla Research Adventure

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