Baltan open lab

  • Wearable Senses 

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    Participants explore the most compelling concepts, to then dedicate time and resources to develop prototypes during a series of working labs. These open sessions serve as an experiment to test and reflect upon the open lab model as a methodology for co-creation and collaboration.

    Baltan Laboratories and the DQI Wearable Senses theme of the Department of Industrial Design at TU/e are proposing Wearable Senses as the first Open Labs series. During the Dutch Design week, the Open Labs kick-off will take place at Baltan Laboratories. To inspire participants and establish high standards, the initial event will include CRISP Smart Textiles Services works by Pauline van Dongen, Borre Akkersdijk, Kristi Kuusk, and Martijn ten Bhömer, done in collaboration with Audax Textile Museum, Savo bv, and Optima Knit.

    Two follow-up Open Labs are planned for November and December, to allow time for the groups work on their own to make significant progress on their Wearable Senses products. The final products will be exhibited at Baltan.

    The Baltan Open Labs co-creation workshop starts at 14:00 Hrs. If you are interested in joining one of the projects please come on time to actively participate. The ideas will be presented to the public in the evening.

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