Learn how to make your own electronic artistic hardware artefact
All materials will be provided, and no previous knowledge is required
Open Hardware | Workshop by Silvia Binda Heiserova
Learn how to make your own electronic artistic hardware artefact
All materials will be provided, and no previous knowledge is required
Join the Open Hardware workshop and learn to make your own functional technological objects from scratch. You will learn to use, solder, wire, assemble and code for open-source 3D prints of various colours and shapes, microcontrollers, sensors, displays, modules, and other components.
After a brief overview of practical electronics and basic components, we will solder pins to a microcontroller and wire it to the chosen elements. Once all parts are assembled, we will write a code to control the behaviour of our hardware (what is showing on the screen, what sound comes out of the speakers?) and upload it to the microcontroller. At the end of the workshop, you have created your own functional artistic hardware artefact to take home with you.
Participants will gain an understanding of some of the most used electronic components and their functionalities. Furthermore, the workshop aims to empower participants in their technological creativity and insight, fostering a proactive attitude towards the hardware devices they interact with daily.
Content of the workshop:
Brief introduction and explanation of open hardware principles
Designing the open hardware artefact and its functionality
Some basics of electronics
Soldering and wiring
Writing the open-source code
Testing the hardware
Documentation and discussion
If possible, please bring your laptop.
About the artist:
Silvia Binda Heiserova is a visual and multimedia artist, researcher and creative coder. Her artistic practice critically explores power dynamics in the digital era through a gender perspective, aiming to subvert stereotypical and biased gender representations in social and virtual spaces. Silvia earned her Doctoral Degree in Fine Arts: Practice and Research from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where she was part of the Art and Gender research group. She holds an MFA title in Visual and Multimedia Arts and an MFA in Artistic Practice from the same institution. Silvia is the founder of offDAC, a multidisciplinary platform for exploring the intersection of feminism, art and technology.
Artist web: https://www.silviabinda.com
Artist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/silvia_binda_heiserova/
offDAC web: http://offdac.com
offDAC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/offdac/
Technologies Otherwise: Tools for Resistance is part of Baltan’s year program Technologies Otherwise, which attempts to unpack, redefine and ultimately foster a healthier relationship with the technologies surrounding us. The programme explores two different directions to inform alternative technological futures, focusing on the material aspect of technology and the new stories we should create to guide the imaginations of plural technologies. Let us restart and do technology otherwise: open it up, unscrew it, dissect its materials, and rethink the narratives behind it. Let us reclaim our imaginative power and develop new stories that could inspire this process.
The event is kindly supported by Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie as a part of Baltan’s year programme Technologies Otherwise and part of ARTeCHÓ. Its main goal is to create a peer-to-peer learning community for artists to learn more about the technical side of the art-making process and its intersection with new technologies, Crypto Art, blockchain, and NFT marketplaces. ARTeCHÓ is a Creative Europe project funded by the European Commission.
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