
  • Infrastructures for Participation report 

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    Posted: 6 January 2020

    From November 1 until December 15, designers Roberto Pérez Gayo and Gabriel .A. Maher have been living and working in Eindhoven to explore ways to transform Strijp-S into a more reflexive and participatory urban space. During this period, they have employed anthropological and design research methodologies aimed at deconstructing, visualizing and physicalizing the different design strategies, technologies and processes through which identities are produced in this area.

    To do so, the designers have involved key stakeholders and community members of Strijp-S such as organizations, inhabitants, students and urban planners. The findings and results of the residency will be documented in a publication and presented in several public moments, including an exhibition in 2020. However, if you are curious to see how the research period has been developing, the designers in residency have selected a few highlights from the past weeks.

    Infrastructures for Participation | Workshop w/ Social Design Masters, DAE
    A two day workshop in collaboration with the second year Social Design Masters students kicked off the research trajectory — 20 young designers engaged in field research in Strijp-S. Organised as a collective enterprise, the workshop activated individual and collective perspectives through the collection of sensitive / qualitative data that explored the impact of the neighbourhood on the people living/visiting here. On the second day, these embodied and physical, emotional affective experiences were transformed into tangible patterns of data for critical dialogue.

    Plug-In City | A Concrete Utopia
    With a motivation to contribute their vision of Plug-In 3.0 to the upcoming development plans of Strijp-S, the community of ‘pluggers’ organized a design workshop. Our designers in residency were invited to participate. During this evening they could understand not only how this initiative was started - its architectural lineage, first steps, goals - but also, the residents could witness how the community of ‘pluggers’ is one of the most clear examples of what makes Strijp-S be what it is: slow urbanism, community, creativity and sustainability.

    Interviews | Who is Who in Strijp-S?
    In the last week of research, the designers in residency dedicated their time to a series of in depth-interview with key stakeholder and community members of Strijp-S. These interviews explored the intersection of different identities and positions that each person occupies and enacts in the area. From there, they were asked to reflect on the communities, infraestructures, materialities, spaces or cncepts at play in Strijp-S. Further, a big part of the interview time was dedicated to explore one of the central topics of the residency: participation.

    The Future of Strijp-S
    Baltan Laboratories and Trudo jointly offered this 6 weeks residency period on the future of housing and urban development. They have established this residency in order to stimulate crossovers and experimentation, as well as to initiate new collaborations. The program acts as a driver for talent development for professional creatives, with a focus on social issues.


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