
  • Baltan Academy 2: Make Economy Yours Again 

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    Posted: 2 December 2021

    Make Economy Yours Again

    A space to rehearse change

    We are excited to announce the second edition of Make Economy Yours Again (MEYA). An online learning community that will gather weekly for 8 weeks (end of January - March 2022) with the purpose to create a new knowledge base for rehearsing economic change. The learning community will be shaped according to participants’ backgrounds, interests and their existing initiatives. Participants will collectively learn and locally develop actions for their specific context.

    Economic crises, the effects of the COVID pandemic, growing (social) inequality, climate change, the increasing extinction rate of species and the exploitation of the planet, show us that our economic system needs to change. How can we go beyond capitalism in re-thinking today’s economy? Are western value systems sufficient when exploring a new relationship with nature? Can feelings enable us to develop agency towards the economy? How can we make the economy our economy?

    How can we rehearse change and not just think of it? The challenges we face are so complex that we cannot understand them in a logical and rational manner. The learning community aims to make complex challenges relatable and feelable, to grasp them without the presumption of fully understanding them, in order to develop agency towards them.

    Participants will work on developing and executing an action for their local context, while simultaneously sharing those in the group to learn from each other's practice and experience.

    Content of the online gatherings

    Week 0: introduction session / January 27th, 18:00 - 19:30
    Participants will introduce themselves, we collectively set the agreements for the learning community, and introduce the approach for the coming weeks.

    Week 1: Manifesto / February 3rd, 18:00 - 21:00
    A manifesto is the starting point of a movement: it’s not just a declaration of intent, but a tool to align a diverse group of people and put their beliefs into action.

    Week 2: Assumptions and conventions / February 10th, 18:00 - 21:00
    Which assumptions and conventions frame our understanding of the economy? We will consider the importance of language and how it is designing our economy, but also how it could change it.

    Week 3: Embodiment / February 17th, 18:00 - 21:00
    We pretend to be rational beings, acting in a logical and efficient manner. But what about our gut feelings? Could we rely more on our bodies to feel the complexity of the world? Can intuition, emotion and feeling help us to take responsibility and change our behaviour?

    Week 4: Expanding the horizon / February 24th, 18:00 - 21:00
    To imagine a more equal, just and fair economy we look at non-western and indigenous knowledge systems. If we listen, what could we learn from other perspectives? Could these be leading in reimagining our relationship with each other, with other species and with the planet?

    Week 5: Strategies and tactics / March 3rd, 18:00 - 21:00
    The session will be about how to make knowledge actionable and how to move from thinking to doing.

    Week 6: Local actions / March 10th, 18:00 - 21:00
    Participants will work on and execute their action in their local context. They will be asked to document their action in a format of their choosing. If desired, participants can schedule a feedback moment with the leading learners during this week.

    Week 7: Presentation of actions / March 17th, 17:30 - 21:30
    Participants share the documented action and present their learnings from executing the action.

    Practical info

    Language: English
    Leading learners: Lorenzo Gerbi, Marlou van der Cruijsen and Leif Czakai.
    Dates: January 27 (introduction: 18:00 - 19:30) / February 3 / February 10 / February 17 / February 24 / March 3 / March 10 (optional feedback session) / March 17.
    Time: 18:00 - 21:00 CET on zoom (with 15 min break).
    Workload: +/- 1.5 hours homework per class (excluding local actions)
    Regular fee (deadline January 20th): €185 / student €100

    Registration: Please send your registration, using the google form, by January 20th. For questions please contact Sarie Hermens,
    Participants: We have a maximum amount of 30 participants, the academy will start with a minimum of 10 participants.

    About Baltan Laboratories
    Baltan Laboratories initiates experimentation on the crossroads of art, design, science and technology, evoking inquisitive ideas and insights by bridging the gaps between disciplines. The lab functions as a collaborative mindset and network, connecting curious individuals and organisations. By placing art and design research at the core of its activities, Baltan explores the implications, promises and pitfalls of our technological society.


    test lexicon


    Economia is the festival of

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