
  • New publication: Economia: Methods for Reclaiming Economy 

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    Posted: 13 April 2018

    Exploring new economic realities

    Available now! Order online.

    In April 2017, Baltan Laboratories organized Economia: a festival about the economy without the economists (on stage). During the festival, we rid ourselves of our preconceptions by embracing a playful and open approach about the economy. We invited artists, writers, activists, scientists, biologists, scholars and hackers to present their ideas on how we can shape new economic realities.

    The book Economia: Methods for Reclaiming Economy contains a selection of ideas explored during the festival. With an open-ended and kaleidoscopic approach, it combines artistic explorations, biological theories and perspectives from the social realm that show how the current model could be reshaped.


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    Economia is the festival of

    Economia: Methods for Reclaiming Economy contains contributions by Josef Bares, Daniel de Bruin, Dan E. Burr & Michael Goodwin, Paolo Cirio, Meredith Degyansky, Monique Grimord, Lenara Verle & Ilan Katin, Nicholas McGuigan & Thomas Kern, Jennifer Lyn Morone, Mark van der Net, Brett Scott, Timothy Smith, UBERMORGEN, Pablo Velasco and Geerat Vermeij.

    Economia: Methods for Reclaiming Economy is available for purchase via Price: €21,50 (including shipping within the Netherlands).

    For international orders, please contact us via email.

    Economia: Methods for Reclaiming Economy, edited by Olga Mink & Wiepko Oosterhuis
    ISBN: 9789081583039 €21,50

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