Get hands on at a refugee camp in Lesbos, Greece.
A collaboration between Baltan Laboratories (NL) and LATRA (GR)
Posted: 6 February 2019
Get hands on at a refugee camp in Lesbos, Greece.
A collaboration between Baltan Laboratories (NL) and LATRA (GR)
Three years after the peak of the European refugee crisis, conditions for refugees still remain dire. As the refugee crisis affects all EU countries, it is our responsibility as members of the EU to step-up and join efforts to collaboratively strive for positive solutions. Field H@cks aims to improve the empowerment and situation of refugees in camps. By establishing collaborations between Dutch creatives and refugees in Greece, the need towards the betterment of their community, habitat and shelter can be supported and improved.
Field H@cks consists of a field research at a refugee camp in Lesbos in Greece, one of the epicenters of the refugee crisis. Through this project, the opportunity is developed to build a shared legacy of applied, hands‐on humanitarian design that can be tested and implemented for the benefit of refugees across Europe. BALTAN and LATRA believe that by undertaking this endeavour in an international context of movement-makers and creative innovators, the opportunity is created to harvest and disseminate knowledge that can make a difference on the lives of people that may become tomorrow’s change-making entrepreneurs.
Field H@cks challenges creatives from the Netherlands to come up with ideas, tools or initiatives for humanitarian design, to contribute to the development of new solutions for this crisis. A small group of selected participants will be invited to visit the refugee settlements and experience the situation first hand. Together with LATRA, ideas will be developed for hands on Do-It-Yourself projects. A Hackathon will focus on interventions, hacks and improvements for products and services created by refugees to improve their housing and society.
We are looking for creatives based in The Netherlands who are professionally active in the field of social design, industrial design, design research & innovation or art-technology. The combination of multidisciplinary experts will leverage the development of innovative projects and facilitate fruitful collaborations between creatives, the refugees, humanitarian organizations, governmental agencies and local social entrepreneurs.
The Field H@cks trip will be 5 days and take place between 11 – 16 June 2019. Travels, lodging, guidance and food will be provided and arranged by BALTAN and LATRA. A fee will be provided for participants. We will prioritize creative people with an open and collaborative mindset, willing to share ideas and thrive by actively engaging with people from different backgrounds.
Your application should contain of a document (1 A4) or a video (1 Minute) with a description of: 1)Your art/design practice, 2) Your motivation to join Field H@cks, 3) How your work relates to Field H@cks. Please include 2 images and a link to an online portfolio or website. Selection of participants will be based on the quality of projects and the connection to the topic Field H@cks. Keep in mind that we will consider completed submissions only. It is required that you are based in The Netherlands.
Please send your application to Baltan.
Applications should be received no later than 23 March, 2019. In case of any questions, please contact us via
Download the open call as a .pdf file
Baltan initiates experimentation on the crossroads of art, design, science and technology, evoking inquisitive ideas and insights by bridging the gaps between disciplines. The lab functions as a collaborative mindset and network, connecting curious individuals and organizations. By placing art and design research at the core of its activities, Baltan explores the implications, promises and pitfalls of our technological society.
LATRA is a socially-innovative creative agency bringing the Creative Industries on the frontlines of global humanitarian, environmental and societal challenges. Responding to the world’s currently largest humanitarian crisis, LATRA founded a humanitarian innovation lab, in a refugee camp in Lesvos-Greece, with the mission to BUILD THE WORLD BETTER.
This project is kindly supported by Stichting Cultuur Eindhoven, Provincie Noord-Brabant and Creative Industries Fund NL.
photo by Sas Schilten
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