• RegionArts partnership 

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    Posted: 23 July 2018

    Promoting art and ICT collaborations

    A multiyear EU program

    With the RegionArts project, Baltan will work on integrating (more) artists in ICT projects. We will do this together with a consortium of partners from all over Europe. In close collaboration with Creative Ring Eindhoven we will focus on the Eindhoven region.

    RegionArts partners are convinced of the need of integrating arts in ICT for SME innovation and competitiveness. As regional authorities, business development agencies and creative clusters, they have been working on promoting these cross-overs for the last years. But it is not an easy task. Most policies available are conceived for an information and knowledge age (even for an industrial age) that is no longer predominant. Support offer is still fragmented. Public support programmes are too rigid and there is a lack for occasions for collaboration and outreach. There is also a need for a common language: existing initiatives often start from creative sector and reach out to ICT, or vice versa, i.e. both parties are not involved as equal partners.

    It is the program’s objective to improve the implementation of funds in the partner regions, through adapting or designing one support scheme in each region that promotes the collaborations between artists and ICT companies.

    Partners of RegionArts are: Porto Polytechnic Institute (Lead partner – Portugal); ASTER Stock Joint Consortium (Italy); Baltan Laboratories (the Netherlands); KEPA Business and Cultural Development Centre (Greece); SERN StartUp Europe Regions Network (Belgium); University of Lapland (Finland); Koprivnicki Business Support Institution (Croatia); Molise Region (Italy)

    RegionArts is a multiyear program (2018 - 2023), funded by Interreg Europe.


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