Policy for Art and ICT collaboration
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Posted: 6 January 2020
Policy for Art and ICT collaboration
In the 3rd semester of RegionArts we looked at best practices for projects and policies that stimulate and facilitate Art and ICT collaboration. Baltan joined the 5th Exchange of Experience in Brussels and organised a Local Stakeholder Group Meeting in the Natlab in Eindhoven.
The multi-year Interreg Europe program RegionArts aims to promote collaboration between art and ICT. Within the program we explore how policy can play a role in this. Ultimately, each partner delivers a policy advice / action plan with recommendations to enhance art and IT collaborations in its own region. Partners in RegionArts come from: Italy, Croatia, Finland, Portugal, Belgium, Greece and the Netherlands. Within RegionArts, Baltan Laboratories focuses on the Noord-Brabant / Eindhoven region.
Local Stakeholder Group Meeting Semester 3
On November 25th, Baltan laboratories organised a stakeholders meeting the Natlab in Eindhoven. In the context of exploring the priorities and challenges of this city and region, we invited stakeholders from art, ICT and policy. The purpose was to explore the value creation between these three disciplines. The session was led by Koen Snoeckx.
The main goal of the meeting was divided into two parts: a mutual introduction based on concrete plans and cases, and a dialogue to explore opportunities for collaboration.
Eindhoven has a DNA of technology, design and knowledge. Both the creative and technological sector are highly developed and active. There is a challenge however, to make this identity tangible in the city. Eindhoven is one of the most innovative regions, nonetheless this doesn’t always show when you take a walk around the city. There’s an opportunity for art and ICT collaborations to create ways to make the city’s DNA more tangible. Another challenge is to explore how citizens of Eindhoven can benefit more from the (technological) innovations and developments from the Eindhoven technological sector. How can technology be more useful for a city and its inhabitants?
In the coming period we will discuss these questions, challenges and opportunities in greater depth with the stakeholders. Next to that we will organise a Night for Arts & ICT in June 2020.
Participating parties:
RegionArts, Baltan Laboratories, Gemeente Eindhoven, Eindhoven365, Kunstloc Brabant, Venturespring, Hyperspace Collective, Manifestiations, Fontys Creative Economy, Joanknecht, Brainport Development, Sioux.
Exchange of Experience 5 – Screening existing support programmes and practices in partner regions
In Brussel the consortium came together to present projects and policies from their region that facilitated cross-sectoral collaborations. Each partner presented best practices from their region. The study visites were devoted to associations, such as ERRIN and Flanders DC, thet help and interface the various actors of the creative industries. You can find the full report on the RegionArts website.
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