
  • Ten Years A Lab 

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    Posted: 22 December 2017

    On the verge of a new year, we'd like to take a moment to reflect on the past year and to give a sneak peek into the year ahead of us.

    Next year will be a special one, celebrating our 10th anniversary. Baltan opened its doors in 2008 as a research pilot to explore what the lab of the future could look like. Now ten years later, Baltan is one of the key inhabitants of the Natlab, the former physics laboratory of Philips, located at the heart of the creative community on Strijp S. To mark this milestone we proudly present our new website developed by the team of Heyheydehaas. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we do!

    The past year new collaborations and initiatives were developed leading to many inspiring ideas and spin offs for the future. Economia, a festival about the economy without the economists (on stage), collectively explored new ideas and thinking about our economy. The event featured keynotes, films, an exhibition, the Renewable Futures Conference, playful interventions, workshops and the Moniac, a newly commissioned artwork by Daniel de Bruin.

    Age of Wonderland took place during Dutch Design Week with 100 Days of Learning, featuring workshops and an exhibition. Teachers from all over the world shared their personal knowledge, responding to our question: "What do you feel we need to learn to make the world a better place?". Despite the diversity of ideas everyone agreed on one similar thing: "We want to learn together in meeting each other and encounter in all the sensible levels you can only find on location, in material, in taste, touch and looking in each other's eyes." In January the exhibition will travel to BKKC's Artist-in-residencies exhibition.

    The year also gave light to new collaborations such as the launch of the Creative Ring and the further development of Trudo.lab, catalyst for innovation for social housing corporation Sint Trudo. In 2018 we have exciting new projects coming up including an artist residency about robotics and machine intelligence by Marco Donnarumma, a follow up of the Masterclass the Art of Financial Hacking with Paolo Cirio and Brett Scott, new experimental setups in the Baltan basement, the release of the Economia publication and the Frankenstein Symposium.

    We are grateful to our partners, who keep continuing to support our mission to tackle societal issues by creating a space for experimentation and working on the edges of disciplines. We proudly announce that Creative Industries Fund NL has granted our program for next year, as well as a continued partnership with Holst Centre, Sensiks and some new partners which we will announce soon.

    On behalf of the Baltan team, we wish you happy holidays and an exciting year full of wonder and curiosity!


    test lexicon


    Economia is the festival of

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