• fAIr Media Project 

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    Posted: 26 September 2024

    fAIr Media - Debunk mis/disinformation and promote media literacy through an active and participatory methodology involving AI, media professionals, artists, and young citizens.

    Our objective
    The fAIr media consortium identifies the pressing necessity to confront the immediate impacts of next generation technologies on the media landscape which translates in the need of a new digital literacy, while raising awareness about EU mechanisms and strengths to safeguard citizens rights.
    The project aims to counter mis/disinformation, promote media literacy and enhance citizens’ capacity and critical approach to media (including social media). Its main objective is to encourage participation and debate among a diverse group of citizens. The challenge is to work with experts to anticipate the impact of generative AI on the media landscape.

    Our approach
    fAIr Media adopts an active and participatory methodology involving AI, media professionals, artists, and young citizens. The project is carried out through three rounds of events organised in four countries over two years. The first round involves professionals and helps to feed the second round with young citizens. The aim is to provide participants with new skills to interact with the AI tools and fully understand how GenAI is revolutionising the media industry and reshaping the way we consume and engage with media content.

    Conclusions from the previous two rounds of workshops are collated to create an “llustrated Glossary of debunking tactics”. This glossary serves as an innovative manifesto, co-created by media professionals, citizens and artists, which will be presented in a third round of events at both national and international levels.

    fAIr Media is a project led by Fundación Zaragoza Ciudad del Conocimiento in collaboration with Baltan Laboratories, Sineglossa and Ars Electronica, co-funded by the European Union within the CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Value) programme.


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